Tue-Thu 17-23 / Fri & Sat 16-23

Welcome to restaurant 305!

305 is a modern neighbourhood restaurant located in Hakaniemi. 

Restaurant 305 is not only a restaurant, but an experience. It offers the atmosphere of a modern neighborhood restaurant, the buzz of delicious cocktail culture and the dining experience made possible by the open kitchen for Chefs Table reservations. Restaurant 305's food consists of uncomplicated flavors, modern classics and simply delicious combinations created by Janne Keskevaari together with his team. He trusts in pure Nordic ingredients, top producers and strong flavors.

305's delicious meals, extensive wine selection and tempting cocktails meet a relaxed and inviting atmosphere.

"Ravintola 305:n  nimi viittaa kaupunginosan korttelin tontin numeroon."


Ruokaa, juomaa ja kodikkaan rentoa tunnelmaa - Chef's Table, cocktailbaari & moderni kortteliravintola saman katon alla. 


Ruoka koostuu mutkattomista ja vahvoista mauista, moderneista klassikoista sekä yksinkertaisesti herkullisista yhdistelmistä. 


Viinivalikoima on koottu klassisemmista sekä pääosin biodynaamisista viineistä - unohtamatta rakkaudella tehtyjä cocktaileja.